If you have a dream wedding in mind, you’re going to have to do a lot of planning to make it reality. Actually, any kind of wedding will take a lot of hard work to create. You don’t have to wander around in the dark, wondering what to do. Here are some great tips on what to do to have a wedding that’s like a dream come true.
Hold a dress rehearsal for all members of the party that are giving speeches at the reception. This will give them a chance to practice, and you’ll also be able to make sure no inappropriate remarks are planned. You may have several generations attending your wedding, and jokes that may be suitable for younger folks could offend the elders.
If you are planning on having designer dresses or gowns for your bridesmaids, consider purchasing them as their bridal party gift. Many bridesmaids find it expensive and taxing on their income to pay for such extravagant attire that they will only wear once. If you choose to have such a pricey item, make sure you don’t put pressure on them to pay for it.
Choose catering with an ethnic theme to spice up your reception! Chicken, steak and other common choices are overused, so you should go with a unique menu. Variety will give your guests something to remember.
The day before you have your wedding, you should pamper yourself as much as possible by going to a spa for a massage. This will allow you to reduce the stress and tension of the days leading up to your wedding so that you feel more comfortable walking down the aisle.
When photographing a wedding, ensure that you are as unobtrusive as possible. Stay back and out of the way of people’s view, and don’t bother people during the ceremony by asking them to move out of your shot. You’ll be recommended to other engaged couples in the future if you give the family a great day.
Almost essential to a wedding is a photographer. No wedding is complete without a pictorial representation thereof. Don’t you want to save those memories for a lifetime, and be able to years from now look at them and remember all the blissful feelings you had that day? By hiring a photographer you make this possible.
If you’re planning on having a cash bar at your wedding, consider giving your guests tickets for free drinks. You can place them with the guests’ name cards and then let them know what they’re for when they arrive to the reception. Also, hire a company to run the bar that will keep the drink price low.
If you follow the above advice, it will not only help you prepare to make your wedding visions into reality, it will also help you practice organizing and planning in ways that will benefit you in your marriage. That’s a bonus that comes with putting in the effort to make your wedding wonderful. You learn lessons that you carry with you for the rest of your life.